The Best & Last CRM You'll Ever Need

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Packed with just the right features to keep your sales team engaged, focused, and accountable – the fastest, most reliable, and easiest-to-use CRM

Trusted Auto Dealer CRM since 2006

Sell Faster

We provide solutions to help you convert more leads into sales, retain more customers and market your inventory successfully.

Consolidated Lead Management

When your sales team can find every lead from every source all in one place and customize offers and track progress through the sales funnel, no lead is ever overlooked, no opportunities are missed and more leads are turned into sales.

  • Data Mining
  • Round Robin Lead Assignment
  • Sales Manager Dashboard

Data Mining

Collecting lead data is important and utilizing the data is even more important. Use AutoRaptor’s special tools to quickly and easily leverage the information you have for each customer.

  • Search, filter and sort every lead by a range of criteria. You can search by sales rep, temperature, vehicle, date, deal type, the source of the lead and more
  • Set up an email campaign that specifically targets the reasons a group of customers will want to buy a new car – a lease is maturing, the newest model has arrived, whatever matters to customers
  • Generate user-friendly lead source reports so you always know which auto sales leads are most valuable and can assign resources appropriately
  • View sales reports by month, with breakdowns by new/used, make or lead source. You can tailor your long-term efforts where they’ll generate the greatest profit
See it in Action
Data Mining

Round Robin Lead Assignment

No rep ever needs to wait for auto sales leads and no customer ever has to wait for AutoRaptor’s simple assignment tool. Every rep can fill his or her hours with a coordinated effort and productive communication with potential customers all day long.

With the Round Robin feature, managers will:

  • Maximize efficiency and morale by assigning new auto sales leads fairly and automatically
  • Minimize the need to micromanage reps with automated assignments of auto sales leads awaiting attention
  • Serve every customer promptly to enhance satisfaction and increase sales
  • Seize every single opportunity and leave no lead unserved. Customer needs are never unmet – all without hiring additional staff
See it in Action
Round Robin

Sales Manager Dashboard

You and your managers will never rely on clumsy paper lists again. And never forget a task or overlook an opportunity. With AutoRaptor, every lead, customer, appointment, task, phone call, email, or text is recorded in a user-friendly dashboard.

Sales manager tools allow managers to:

  • See at a glance what should be happening at the dealership today and know exactly who should be doing it
  • Identify every single opportunity every single day, without having to question every rep on the team
  • Track the progress of every opportunity that comes through your door, phone or website through the entire sales funnel
  • Always know who’s performing, which sales efforts work best, who’s buying, vehicles that are selling well and more
  • Forecast sales with easy-to-read graphs that detail monthly numbers. Also included is the rolling six-month average, so you’re never surprised by a bad month or quarter
  • Oversee every rep’s daily activity, from appointments, met to tasks completed to texts sent, all on a single screen so management is never in the dark
  • Improve manager-rep communication with an integrated company bulletin board tool. Now everyone is always up to date on the latest sales, inventory changes and other events that impact daily activities
  • Generate individual performance reports for each sales rep with just a click, making it a breeze to motivate those who need it, and reward those who’ve earned it
See it in Action
Sales Dashboard
Group 71284

Integrated Communication

AutoRaptor seamlessly integrates your inventory, customer notes and communication records right in our platform. Rich communication and targeted sales campaigns via text, telephone and email means more sales and having it all within AutoRaptor creates efficiency and accountability.

  • Text
  • Telephony
  • Email
  • Campaigns


Car dealers agree: Text is the most responsive and engaging way of communicating with people who want to buy cars. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it doesn’t require your customer to pick up a phone if it’s not convenient at that moment.

With the car dealer CRM text function, you, your managers, and your sales staff will:

  • Never miss an opportunity to easily communicate with eager customers about new inventory, promotions, or proposed test drives
  • Communicate with customers in the way that more people prefer, which also happens to be the way to get a message right into their hands instead of a crowded inbox
  • Get customers’ immediate attention with photos of your gorgeous inventory
  • Enjoy complete transparency with a record of each text conversation
  • Feel confident that you’re texting in full compliance with federal regulations and customers’ expectations
  • Establish customers’ ongoing engagement with scheduled, targeted text campaigns to remind customers of promotions or service reminders – even wish them happy birthday!
See it in Action


If it’s easy, it gets done more often. Welcome to AutoRaptor’s one-click outbound telephony feature, which allows you to dial directly from your AutoRaptor account with a click and connect with every customer.

And when your team makes a call with an AutoRaptor Up Sheet in front of them, they’ll have every detail at their fingertips to better serve each customer individually.

With the telephone at your fingertips, you can:

  • Make quick and easy contact with customers, without scrolling through a contact list on a tiny screen, or digging through paper files for pertinent information
  • Create a full record of outbound sales calls so managers always know the team is on the job
  • Refer to details of each call in Up Sheets as AutoRaptor automatically prompts sales reps to record their notes
  • Make every point of phone contact count with full details of customer history right in front of you
See it in Action


Get your message to qualified customers easily, quickly, and automatically. Your team will be selling to customers off-site even while they’re busy with customers at the dealership!

With AutoRaptor’s automated transactional emails, you choose the task, set a timeframe, and build a message from our templates. Emails go out automatically, no matter what other tasks your sales team is engaged in.

The automated transactional email feature allows you to:

  • Build a pipeline of potential customers via email messages that keep customers engaged with you even on days off
  • Automate sales communications using pre-set tasks and templates for everything from a 24-hour follow-up, to offering an incentive, to acknowledging a sale anniversary
  • Free up your sales team from writing routine emails and allow them to spend more face time with customers
  • Free up your sales team from writing routine emails and allow them to spend more face time with customers
See it in Action


AutoRaptor offers an email campaign feature to reach larger groups of your customers at one time. The simple interface saves you time in building campaigns – and you don’t even have to be a marketer!

Send out a campaign, sit back, and let eager customers come to you!

AutoRaptor’s complete sales campaign feature lets you:

  • Choose the exact customers you want to target today! Whether by lease maturity date, vehicles bought in the past, or any number of other criteria
  • Build powerful emails complete with photos that convey a message exactly suited to the audience you’ve chosen
  • Schedule outreach to begin whenever you want it to, whether that’s at noon on a Thursday or on a Sunday night
  • Track each customer’s response, from opening an email to clicking on a link, even sharing your message on social media
  • Analyze each campaign with user-friendly reports in AutoRaptor that help you fine-tune each campaign and improve response every time you use it
See it in Action

Sales Process Automation

AutoRaptor lets you customize your sales process to your needs, set up daily work plans to keep reps organized, and create robust retention campaigns that keep customers engaged to drive more sales.

sales automation
  • Customization
  • Automation
  • Retention
  • Daily Workflows


Each customer has different needs, and the dealership that caters to them is the one that gets the sale. Moreover, your entire pipeline should reflect your dealership’s specific audience.

With all the details of every customer and every transaction organized in AutoRaptor, your team can spend its time and energy on making the sale, not on paperwork.

With AutoRaptor, you can:

  • Prioritize leads as they come in to help your reps target the most promising ones first
  • Write specific emails to customers when personalization is called for, making each message a direct communication between the rep and the customer
  • Write specific emails to customers when personalization is called for, making each message a direct communication between the rep and the customer
  • Track high-performing emails and discard poor performers to identify the most qualified car sales leads and generate more sales
  • Nurture every single lead in the way that every individual requires, so no sale is ever lost for lack of communication – or clumsy communication
  • Create customized action plans that determine when these texts and emails are sent, so every team member can be confident that routine communication is covered
See it in Action


Automating routine communication tasks eliminates wasted time, streamlines workflow, and makes follow-up consistent and focused. You don’t need more sales reps or managers; you need to make the most of the time you get from the employees you already have.

Automation also gives your sales team full accountability, with every task, communication, and activity recorded for easy monitoring by management.

AutoRaptor’s automation tools allow you to:

  • Automate ongoing, routine communication that doesn’t need personal attention – yet still ensure that outbound communication is correctly aligned with the customer on the other end
  • Ensure consistent messaging from team members across the entire business with AutoRaptor templates
  • Keep the team focused on high-probability leads and consistently responding to customers as they arrive in person, on your website, or on the phone
  • Make all communications highly visible and fully trackable for greater accountability and management efficiency
  • Save your team time in typing up routine emails and texts and give them more one-on-one time with potential buyers
  • Ensure that no leads are lost or mishandled, and no customer has to wait for a response
  • Improve customer loyalty by increasing the number of times they get a timely, important message from you, such as service reminders or trade-up offers
See it in Action


It’s not unusual for a sales team to be so busy selling to current customers that customer retention activities have to take a back seat. But with AutoRaptor’s automated, pre-scheduled communication features and customizable templates, you don’t have to worry.

Set up your retention action plans and forget them! Dealer communications go out when you want, even if your dealership floor is mobbed.

Automated retention plans allow you to:

  • Create a comprehensive follow-up plan from start to finish including automated texts and emails
  • Customize a touch point to nurture the relationship and promote offers from service, to trade-up, to end-of-lease action
  • Maintain good customer relations and perform valuable, time-saving services for every customer in your database
See it in Action

Daily Workflows

No need to reinvent the wheel every morning or rely on a hastily-scribbled reminder list. Everyone, including managers, knows what must be done daily and by whom. And AutoRaptor’s action plans allow you to set up daily tasks, so nothing is ever overlooked.

With AutoRaptor, your sales reps can:

  • Schedule appointments directly from a customer’s Up Sheet, and easily track upcoming tasks and appointments from the schedule
  • Scan their personal dashboard to see every new task, lead, follow-up reminder and important date, along with personal sales statistics
  • Set up automatic communication tasks for everything from post-sale follow-ups to service reminders and more. You can finally spend less time typing routine dealer communications and more time selling
  • Fill the entire day with productive, planned activities that lead to sales and profits
See it in Action
Daily Workflows
mobile app

Mobile App Capability

There’s no need for you or your team to be tied to a desk when you have AutoRaptor’s communication and sales features in the palm of your hand. Empower your team to focus on customers, not computers.

  • License and VIN Scanning
  • Mobile App

License and VIN Scanning

Leave the notebook and pen on the desk. Your sales reps can collect every piece of information they need out on the lot with their mobile phones, and on top of that, it’s all synchronized with the desktop version.

  • Save time by simply scanning a customer’s driver’s license with their phone and creating an Up Sheet automatically with the customer’s information
  • Eliminate data mistakes by scanning vehicle barcodes and automatically uploading all relevant trade details in seconds
  • Increase efficiency by scrolling, filtering and searching customers right on the phone, wherever and whenever you need to
  • Follow up with customers from anywhere – from home, at your dealership, even in a traffic jam
See it in Action
mobile app

Mobile App

With automotive CRM features on the mobile app, anyone can easily send texts and emails, update notes, schedule appointments, log sales, and create profitable deals. Do all of this without ever leaving the customer or even being on site.

  • The faster you get information and offers to customers, the more deals you can make
  • Have the best auto CRM features in hand to keep customers engaged on your lot instead of moving off to someone else’s
  • AutoRaptor CRM features can put your entire dealership in the palm of your hand
See it in Action
mobile app


Change for the better.

We asked our customers “What changed for the better since you switched to AutoRaptor?” Hundreds responded, here’s some of what they said.

We’ve experienced the benefit of having a place to capture all the data and to really manage it with action plans.

Kit Eaker

Car Credit Solutions, Sales Manager


We have been using AutoRaptor for over a decade now. It’s easy to use and navigate. It’s great for tracking sales, following up with customers, and a multitude of other things. Would recommend to anyone.

Kadie Ramsey


AutoRaptor is very user friendly and has got us the best leads! I had a 10 car sales week last week 🙂 Thank you AutoRaptor!

Kelly Welty


AutoRaptor is a very easy to understand CRM! Its lack of complexity makes it easy to onboard new users yet it offers a host of automated features to help keep in touch with customers. All this at a very affordable price point! Their customer service is extremely responsive and helpful!

Robert Marquardt


AutoRaptor has been a great CRM for our multiple car lots. It was easy to learn.

Mary Humerickhouse

Other CRMs I’ve seen are simple in appearance, but not with usability. AutoRaptor is the opposite. The email marketing design and the use of creative templates are beautiful and couldn’t be easier to use.

Sarah Graf

EZ Loan Auto Sales, Marketing Manager


This platform is amazing! It’s easy to understand and it helps me keep track of new and existing clients. It’s helped me out with sales tremendously.

Kyle Johnson


Our AutoRaptor team is very professional and provides us with the best customer service. Completely satisfied.

Bryant Brown

The hardest thing about buy-here, pay-here is that everything’s chopped up…which we’d gotten used to making work. Eventually, we looked at and tried out a few different CRMs, but AutoRaptor does a great job with its simplicity. It works well, and it’s an easy process.

Chad Randash

Randash Auto Center, Owner


We have been using AutoRaptor for a couple of years. They have a good tool with just the right amount of features. The support is always good if we ever need help. Definitely recommend.

Tony LeFever


By far the BEST CRM any dealership can have. I run a BDC company and it’s user friendly, efficient and the staff are the best to assist you with any questions! I would recommend anyone in the automotive industry to have them as their go to CRM. Thank you AutoRaptor.

William Salazar

We felt it was really genius and super easy to integrate. We were immediately able to jump in and take advantage of what AutoRaptor had to offer. We didn’t look at any other CRMs because this one did everything we needed it to do.

Jon Higgins

Carmix Auto Sales


Very user-friendly! I have been using AutoRaptor going on 4 years now and have had no issues at all. Reps are super polite and quick to respond if I have any questions.

Macy Rogers


Easy to use, great help with follow-up reminders. Been using AutoRaptor for years, no complaints whatsoever. Customer service is second to none, even though it’s rarely needed. Definitely recommend AutoRaptor 100%.

Atlas Motor Group


A great CRM to get the ball rolling, very easy to understand and navigate, great way to stay organized and assign leads and tasks efficiently.

Emily Morales

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