Breakthrough: How Technology Is Shattering Auto Dealer Stereotypes

There is an ever-growing shift in how auto dealers conduct business: technology. This trend presents an opportunity to help redefine the way customers think about the profession, which has been the subject of unfortunate stereotypes over the years.  Let’s take a closer look at how you can embrace technology and build not only your credibility as a dealer, but the credibility of your dealership as a whole.

Dealerships Redefining How They Do Business

It’s no surprise that new advancements in technology have a lasting, profound impact on business operations. These involve a variety of sources including sales kiosks placed in dealerships, smartphone applications, and tablet computing. All of these strategies have been gaining momentum and will play a significant role in how auto dealers and dealerships conduct business. Therefore, you must be prepared for these changes since it will impact your role as an auto dealer. These trends will result in auto dealerships adapting their current showroom model into a more modern retail environment. The utilization of technology must not be overlooked. It would not only be beneficial for the auto dealer to master these new varieties of customer service, but to also develop new tools and trends to reach the new generation of consumers.


A New Change in Responsibilities for Salespeople

When the consumer reaches the point of purchase by signing the contract, the sales transaction process is the same as it was in the past and will continue to be the same in the future. At the end of the day, someone still has to close the sale. It takes a knowledgeable salesperson to help that customer feel comfortable with their decision to purchase a vehicle. This human aspect of the business process is where the auto dealer can help the customer feel at ease with the transaction.

Another important thing to remember is that, due to regulatory and manufacturer conditions, the actual closing process must place inside the dealership, the required forms completed electronically, and the vehicle delivered at the showroom location. The auto dealer contributes to this process the whole way through.


The goal of any successful business is to be able to provide the consumer with what they want and when they want it. Current lead management systems are designed for getting the consumer to the car lot so that a salesperson can sell them a vehicle. This old trend has resulted in hesitant buyers and stereotypes formed about “pushy” salespersons. With new auto dealer trends advancing, these negative stereotypes will begin to fade based on the dealership’s customer service advancements in technology and due to the new generation of informed consumers.

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Ty W.
Ty W.

Ty was born and raised in the automotive world. He's an enthusiastic expert who writes exquisite content about cars, automotive sales, and dealership best practices. When not writing for AutoRaptor, you'll find Ty on the golf course.